Andrei Iancu has a message for new members of Congress who are being sworn in this month: Become better informed about the importance of intellectual property on America’s economy and its standing in the world...

Inventors Digest

The challenge of how to improve understanding of intellectual property was debated at the Second Annual Intellectual Property Awareness Summit in New York on November 29...
Managing Intellectual Property

IPAN was delighted that Professor Ruth Soetendorp was able to represent IPAN at the Intellectual Property Awareness Summit in New York on 29th November 2018...
Intellectual Property Awareness Network

United States intellectual property stakeholders from academic, business and legal backgrounds gathered recently to discuss how to increase public support to strengthen the intellectual property rights system in the US...
Intellectual Property Watch

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Director Andrei Iancu told Law360 in an interview that the many changes he has spearheaded during his busy first year in office should provide a clearer landscape.
Law 360

The challenge of how to improve understanding of intellectual property was debated at the Second Annual Intellectual Property Awareness Summit in New York on November 29...
Bloomberg Law

IP is the engine that makes economic and cultural developments work and the USPTO keenly focused on facilitating this goal. That was the message delivered by Undersecretary of Commerce and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Andrei Iancu...
IP CloseUp

Speaking at the IP Awareness Summit in New York City on 29 November, Iancu urged attendees to “talk about these issues with members [of Congress] in ways that relate to their priorities and constituents”...
IPPro Magazine

The Center for IP Understanding in conjunction with Columbia Technology Ventures will hold the 2nd annual Intellectual Property Awareness Summit (IPAS 2018) on November 29. It is an international gathering of IP owners, organizations and affected parties all with a common goal – to make IP more intelligible for all...

The Center for Intellectual Property Understanding (CIPU) announced today that it is holding this year’s Intellectual Property Awareness Summit in New York on November 29 at Columbia University in the School of Journalism...
Today in Finance

The term “Intellectual Property” can sound intimidating, but its essential concepts are quite simple. Just as simple is this reality: Anyone even remotely connected to inventing needs to understand these essentials...